Ruminant Microecology

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How to use feed silage

Times:2023-03-16 15:00:00 From:Okobake
Silage is an excellent feed for all kinds of livestock. When making silage from green pasture (grass, leguminous forage), it only loses about 10% of its original nutrients, which is 30-40% higher than the nutrients contained in hay. , and contains various vitamins, especially carotene, and a large amount of various calcium, phosphorus and minerals, so it is also a feed with relatively complete nutritional value in winter and spring. Use silage to feed livestock in winter and spring, shorten the feed difference in winter and summer, and ensure the healthy growth of livestock. Silage is composed of processes such as pressing and cellaring. Which process goes wrong, can cause the silage fermentation to fail. Silage fermentation must meet the following conditions:

Silage is an excellent feed for all kinds of livestock. When making silage from green pasture (grass, leguminous forage), it only loses about 10% of its original nutrients, which is 30-40% higher than the nutrients contained in hay. , and contains various vitamins, especially carotene, and a large amount of various calcium, phosphorus and minerals, so it is also a feed with relatively complete nutritional value in winter and spring. Use silage to feed livestock in winter and spring, shorten the feed difference in winter and summer, and ensure the healthy growth of livestock. Silage is composed of processes such as pressing and cellaring. Which process goes wrong, can cause the silage fermentation to fail. Silage fermentation must meet the following conditions:

1. There must be a suitable temperature environment

After the silage is loaded into the cellar, the plants are still breathing, and the carbohydrates are oxidized to generate carbon dioxide and water, while releasing heat. As time goes by, the temperature in the cellar continues to rise. The most suitable temperature in the cellar for silage is 30 degrees. For reproduction, the temperature can rise to 60 degrees if the silage spoils. Of course, the key to this is to be tightly sealed and compacted.

2. The silage cellar must be tightly sealed and compacted

Silage raw materials must be chopped (*not exceeding one centimeter, except for baled silage of whole plant corn stalks), because fine crushing can facilitate compaction, otherwise it will cause too much air, which will prolong respiration, consume sugar, and form high temperature Fermentation produces more butyric acid, which affects the quality and increases the pH value, leading to the production of mold and ammonium, resulting in the failure of silage.

3. Lactic acid accumulation process

Lactic acid bacteria rapidly multiplied and became the dominant flora in silage, which converted soluble sugar into a large amount of lactic acid and a small amount of acetic acid, which caused the pH value to drop. As the pH value drops, most harmful bacteria are inhibited, leaving only lactic acid bacteria to continue to grow. As the lactic acid continued to accumulate, when the pH value of the silage decreased to about 3.8 and the lactic acid content reached 15%-20% of the fresh weight of the silage, the lactic acid bacteria gradually stopped growing and entered a relatively stable period.

4. The moisture content of the silage should be appropriate

It is generally believed that the suitable water for the reproduction of lactic acid bacteria is 60--75%. If there is too much water, the sugar will be diluted and the fermentation will be prolonged. Moreover, the juice of silage raw materials is easily squeezed out, causing nutrients to leak out and be lost. If there is too little moisture, it will not be easy to compact, and the air in the cellar will be difficult to discharge, resulting in the corruption and mildew of the silage. The water content of silage can be measured by hand extrusion method. If the water drips from the gap between the water fingers, the water content is 75--85%; if the loose hand is still in the shape of a ball, and there is no wet mark on the hand, the water content is 68--75%. ; After letting go, the spherical shape slowly expands, and its water content is 60--67%.

5. Increase palatability

Good palatability and high digestibility. The green fodder is tender and juicy, and the silage keeps the water. The moisture content of silage can reach 70%. At the same time, the silage starter is added during the silage process. Due to the action of the starter, a large amount of lactic acid and aromatic substances are produced, which further enhances its palatability and digestibility. In addition, silage also has a good effect on improving the digestibility of other feeds in livestock diets.

6. Use leavening agents to improve the nutritional value of silage

High-performance strains and fermentation process are the core key technologies of silage agents. Selecting a suitable silage starter has proved through years of market testing and promotion that silage fermentation agents have excellent effects on regulating the silage fermentation process and improving the quality of silage. Through the promotion in the national market, it has been unanimously recognized and praised by the majority of users, bringing new impetus and changes to the development of silage.

The product is rich in a variety of active lactic acid bacteria (Enterococcus faecalis), Bacillus subtilis, yeast and other compound probiotics; cellulase, hemicellulase, bacterial growth-promoting factors and other components.

The main functions of silage Heyiyuan products:

1. Quickly lower the pH value, inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria, prevent the forage from moldy and rot, and reduce the residual amount of mycotoxins.

2. Quickly produce lactic acid, inactivate the decomposing enzymes produced by plants, inhibit plants from consuming their own nutrients, and reduce dry matter loss;

3. The activity of lactic acid bacteria dominates the fermentation of silage, rapidly reduces the temperature of silage, and increases the stability and shelf life of silage;

4. Increase the content of live lactic acid bacteria and shorten the aerobic spoilage period in the front section of silage to reduce energy consumption and nutrient loss;

5. Generate acetic acid and propionic acid to inhibit the growth of yeast and mold, enhance the oxygen resistance when the kiln is opened, and prevent the secondary fermentation of silage;

6. Shorten the fermentation time, improve the quality of silage and the turnover rate of silage kiln;

7. Degrade dry matter and crude fiber, enhance palatability, and improve feed digestibility;

8. Improve the aroma and sweetness of forage grass, and increase the feed intake and lactation of ruminants;

9. Silage is rich in a large number of active lactic acid bacteria, which can enhance the immunity of ruminants.

Product usage and dosage: Fermenting one ton of raw material requires 5-10 grams of silage agent to ensure that the water content of the raw material is 60% to 70%. The following is an example of making 20 tons of storage material (if there are more storage materials, it can be increased according to the proportion) Prepare 20L of water (the water temperature is between 30°C and 37°C), add 400g of brown sugar and stir evenly, then add 200g of silage starter, stir evenly, and activate for 30 minutes to 1 hour. In the crushed storage material, fill, compact and seal according to the requirements for making silage, and use it in a larger amount around and on the top.

Packing specification: 200g/bag, spray 200 tons of silage per kilogram of silage agent with dry matter between 30 and 35; spray 100 tons of silage with dry matter below 30 and greater than 35 per kilogram of silage agent.

Storage conditions and shelf life: 12 months in a cool and dry place; 24 months in frozen low temperature storage.

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