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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Build a group of strong towns with meat, beef and sheep as the leading industry

Times:2023-03-24 15:20:00 From:Okobake
According to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in order to promote the high-quality and efficient development of meat, beef and sheep production, and enhance the ability to guarantee the supply of beef and mutton, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has formulated the "Five-Year Action Plan for Promoting the Development of Meat, Beef, and Sheep Production" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" proposes to support the establishment of national, provincial, city, and county modern agricultural industrial parks with meat, beef, and sheep as the leading industry, support the cultivation and expansion of meat, beef, and sheep industry clusters, and build a number of strong towns with meat, beef, and sheep as the leading industry.

According to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in order to promote the high-quality and efficient development of meat, beef and sheep production, and enhance the ability to guarantee the supply of beef and mutton, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has formulated the "Five-Year Action Plan for Promoting the Development of Meat, Beef, and Sheep Production" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" proposes to support the establishment of national, provincial, city, and county modern agricultural industrial parks with meat, beef, and sheep as the leading industry, support the cultivation and expansion of meat, beef, and sheep industry clusters, and build a number of strong towns with meat, beef, and sheep as the leading industry.

In terms of action goals, the "Plan" proposes to insist on equal emphasis on quantity and quality. On the basis of consolidating and upgrading the traditional main production areas, tap potential development areas, expand the space for production increase, and increase the supply of beef and mutton through multiple channels. Pastoral areas should combine the balance of grass and livestock, focus on stabilizing quantity and improving quality, increase the number of basic female livestock, and improve production efficiency; agricultural areas should develop around a moderate scale, focus on increasing production and efficiency, and improve the level of development; Slopes and slack land resources are used to develop the production of meat, beef and sheep. By 2025, the self-sufficiency rate of beef and mutton will remain at about 85%; the output of beef and mutton will be stable at about 6.8 million tons and 5 million tons respectively; the proportion of large-scale breeding of cattle and sheep will reach 30% and 50% respectively.

The "Plan" clarifies 12 key tasks such as promoting the construction of a breeding system for fine breeds, strengthening the prevention and control of major animal diseases, and accelerating the improvement of the industrialization level of cattle and sheep, as follows:

Promote the establishment of a breeding system for improved varieties. In-depth implementation of the genetic improvement plan for beef, beef and sheep, selection of a number of national core breeding farms for beef cattle and mutton sheep, improvement of supporting facilities and equipment for production performance testing, continuous promotion of localization of imported varieties, and cultivation of new varieties of specialized meat. Strengthen the protection, breeding and utilization of local varieties, and build a number of national and provincial conservation farms and protected areas. Implement animal husbandry fine-bred subsidy projects in pastoral areas, provide appropriate subsidies to farmers and herdsmen for purchasing high-quality beef cattle jelly, fine-bred rams and male yaks, and speed up the process of improving cattle and sheep breeds.

Develop moderate-scale standardized farming. Establish and improve a standardized production system for meat, beef, and sheep, and promote the formulation and revision of relevant standards. In the establishment of standardized demonstration of livestock and poultry breeding, increase the intensity of standardized demonstration of cattle and sheep breeding, and build 100 demonstration farms. Support ministries and provinces to jointly create and play a demonstration and driving effect. Summarize the typical models of moderate-scale breeding of meat, beef and sheep in different regions, and guide local promotion and application.

Expand basic female animal production capacity. Promote the expansion and quality improvement of basic cows in the northern farming and animal husbandry transition zone, support local areas to expand the number of basic cows raised, and guide social capital to develop beef cattle breeding. Give play to the leading and driving role of new business entities, encourage farmers to raise basic female animals on a moderate scale through methods such as "company (farmer cooperatives) + farmers (family farms)", and explore the industrial development of "separate breeding of female animals and centralized fattening of young animals" The model promotes the formation of stable industrial associations between enterprises and farmers. Summarize and promote the integrated technology of animal husbandry, breeding, farming and breeding in the interlaced zone of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Increase the supply of high-quality forage grass. Every year, 15 million mu of "grain to fodder" will be implemented, 45 million tons of high-quality forage grass will be subsidized, and the supply of high-quality forage grass such as silage corn, alfalfa, oats, and ryegrass will be increased. Summarize and promote the experimental demonstration technology for the development and utilization of high-quality green roughage resources. Promote grass planting and grass rotation in slack fields according to local conditions, and develop and utilize new forage resources. Actively promote the utilization of crop straw as feed. Strengthen high-efficiency forage machinery test demonstration and technology promotion, and improve the mechanization level of forage production.
Strengthen the prevention and control of major animal diseases. Support the prevention and control of foot-and-mouth disease, Peste des Petits Ruminants, brucellosis, tuberculosis, nodular skin disease and other animal and zoonotic diseases that endanger the health of cattle and sheep. Strengthen monitoring and epidemiological investigations, strengthen quarantine and transportation supervision at origins, and implement and improve mechanisms for immunization, culling, and harmless treatment. Encourage the development of vaccines. Build a batch of animal disease purification plants, animal disease-free areas and disease-free communities.

Gradually improve the slaughtering, processing and circulation system. Promote the introduction of local laws and regulations to strengthen the management of meat, beef and sheep slaughter. Guide localities to reasonably set the number and scale of cattle and sheep slaughterhouses according to the breeding situation, and improve the ability and level of beef and mutton slaughtering and processing. Encourage slaughtering and processing enterprises to build refrigerated processing facilities, promote logistics and distribution enterprises to improve the cold chain distribution system, and promote the transformation from "transporting live animals" to "transporting meat". Advocate healthy consumption and gradually increase the proportion of chilled meat consumption.
Accelerate the transformation of production methods in pastoral areas. Implement the subsidy and reward policy for grassland ecological protection, guide farmers and herdsmen to scientifically use grasslands, and develop meat, beef, sheep and half-house breeding. Strengthen publicity, guidance and technical services to speed up the turnover of meat, beef and sheep. Improve the ability of disaster prevention and mitigation in grassland and pastoral areas, support the restoration of breeding facilities damaged by disasters in pastoral areas and the construction of production facilities such as sheds (enclosures) for livestock overwintering, provide subsidies for the winter transfer and storage of forage in pastoral areas, improve the conditions for livestock overwintering, and improve the protection of pastoral areas. Disaster mitigation and emergency support capabilities.

Tap the potential of increasing beef and mutton production in southern provinces. Guide the southern provinces to adjust and optimize the structure of animal husbandry, strengthen the development of local cattle and sheep breed resources, and vigorously develop cattle and sheep production. Support the quality and increase of herbivorous animal husbandry in key southern provinces, rationally utilize grassy hills, grass slopes and slack land resources, and grow high-quality forage grass. Vigorously cultivate new types of business entities, give full play to the role of "big and small", promote the transformation of small and medium-sized farms (households) to standardization and scale, develop moderate-scale operations, and cultivate the cattle and sheep industry into a new model for consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation in southern provinces and helping rural revitalization. growth point.

Accelerate the improvement of the industrialization level of cattle and sheep. Support the establishment of national, provincial, city, and county modern agricultural industrial parks with meat, beef, and sheep as the leading industry, support the cultivation and expansion of meat, beef, and sheep industry clusters, and build a number of strong towns with meat, beef, and sheep as the leading industry. In 2021, the policy will be appropriately tilted, focusing on supporting the establishment of beef cattle industrial parks or beef cattle industrial clusters in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and other provinces. In the poverty-stricken counties in the western region, select a group of key counties that have the basis for the development of the cattle and sheep industry, support the development of the entire chain of planting, breeding, processing and marketing, and enhance endogenous development capabilities.

Strengthen technical guidance and services. Gather the power of modern agricultural industrial technology system, scientific research institutes and innovative enterprises, and innovate and integrate a batch of efficient and practical new technologies and new products around key links such as high-quality forage production and processing, high-efficiency breeding of female livestock, and prevention and control of major animal diseases. Give full play to the advantages of animal husbandry and veterinary technology promotion institutions and industry associations, go deep into the grassroots and farm households, carry out cost-saving and efficiency-enhancing practical technical training and on-site guidance, and improve the breeding management technology level of farmers and herdsmen.

Strengthen brand building. Promote the brand building of beef and mutton, and establish and improve the brand management and evaluation standard system. Accelerate the promotion of trademark registration and strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights of beef and mutton brands. Actively create regional public brands, strengthen authorization management, and lead the coordinated development of corporate brands and product brands. Increase brand marketing and promotion, actively use platforms such as agricultural exhibitions, production and marketing docking, strengthen cooperation with e-commerce, supermarkets and other entities, integrate online and offline, and continuously improve the awareness, reputation and influence of my country's beef and mutton brands.

Continue to strengthen quality and safety supervision. Improve the list of breeding entities, strengthen daily inspections, and carry out supervision and random inspections and unannounced inspections. Trial out the edible agricultural product compliance certificate system, promote the traceability management of the whole process, strengthen the quality control of the breeding process, promote the reduced use of veterinary antibacterial drugs, guide farmers to use scientifically and rationally, and implement the veterinary drug withdrawal period regulations. Severely crack down on the use of banned drugs and illegal additives such as "clenbuterol" in the process of breeding, purchasing, and slaughtering, strengthen monitoring, early warning and risk assessment of beef and mutton quality and safety, and ensure the quality and safety of beef and mutton.

In terms of safeguard measures, the "Plan" requires that local responsibilities for stabilizing production and supply be strengthened. Supervise and urge local governments to strictly implement the system of provincial overall responsibility and "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility, formulate detailed implementation plans, clarify goals and tasks and division of responsibilities, strengthen policies and measures, and organize and implement work well. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will carry out regular situation scheduling and make notifications throughout the system.

The "Plan" emphasizes the improvement of the policy support and guarantee system. Work with relevant departments to implement policies such as breeding land, incentives for cattle and sheep transferred from large counties, live animal mortgages and policy mortgage loans, and promote the expansion of policy insurance coverage for cattle and sheep. Localities, especially provinces with large cattle and sheep production and grassland pastoral areas, should actively introduce local support policies and promote mature experience and practices in light of local realities.

The "Plan" also mentioned that market regulation should be strengthened. Promote the "Internet +" business entity, apply digital technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and blockchain to the management of the entire industry chain of cattle and sheep, and further strengthen the connection between production and sales. Strengthen the monitoring and early warning of the production and sales of meat, beef, sheep, and regularly release market monitoring information to guide production expectations.

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