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Our company held a technical exchange symposium with the College of Animal Science and Technology of Henan Agricultural University

Times:2023-03-16 15:00:00 From:Okobake
On the afternoon of January 17, 2021, Fan Shouwu, general manager of our company, led relevant members of the company to the Animal Science and Technology College of Henan Agricultural University for technical exchanges. Li Ming, the dean of the institute, and Guo Juan, deputy secretary of the party committee, attended the symposium, and all the teachers of the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science participated in the exchange symposium. The meeting was presided over by Professor Chen Wen, the head of the department.

On-site technical exchange symposium

Fan Shouwu, general manager of our company, introduced the situation of the company

Young teacher Zhang Wei made a keynote report

On the afternoon of January 17, 2021, Fan Shouwu, general manager of our company, led relevant members of the company to the Animal Science and Technology College of Henan Agricultural University for technical exchanges. Li Ming, the dean of the institute, and Guo Juan, deputy secretary of the party committee, attended the symposium, and all the teachers of the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science participated in the exchange symposium. The meeting was presided over by Professor Chen Wen, the head of the department.

At the meeting, Li Ming extended a warm welcome to President Fan and his party on behalf of the college, and introduced the basic situation of the college's development philosophy, school purpose, and personnel training; gave a brief introduction. The two sides reached a consensus on establishing a cooperation mechanism in personnel training, scientific research and resource sharing.

Afterwards, Chen Wen introduced the training plan for new young teachers, and encouraged young teachers to connect more with enterprises, so as to deeply understand the needs of enterprises and carry out technical cooperation. The new young teachers Ma Sen, Wang Zhichang and Zhang Wei respectively introduced their research results during their doctoral period and future research plans. Experts, professors and business representatives present at the meeting conducted in-depth and detailed guidance and extensive exchanges around the research of the three doctors.

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Address:Yard No. 8, Xiangshan Road, Food Professional Park, Advanced Manufacturing Development Zone, Xianglushan Town, Yiyang County, Luoyang City, Henan Province


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